Hi! My name is Guilherme Feijó, Brazilian, 22yo Game Developer and Freelance Designer. I graduate in Digital Games on Faculdade Impacta. I plan to develop myself in Game Design, 3D art, and 2D art. If you want to see my art, go to linktr.ee/chmz.gf
Here are the games that I worked on:
When Night Comes - Game Designer, 3D Artist, Level Designer, Writer. WNC is a horror game made for Global Game Jam 2021. The game tells the history of a rescue and security officer on a mission to find a missing woman in the woods.
DRYAD: Dawn of Humankind - Game Designer, Director, Level Designer, 3D Artist. Made in 1 year for the completion of my technologist course, DDOH is a 3D action-adventure platformer about a Dryad trying to restore nature to a destroyed world.
Ataque à M.E.N.T.E - Worked as a Game Designer and 2D Artist. The game was made in 48 hours and get to 3rd place in BGS Home Jam 2020.
Out of The Cage - I worked as a Game Designer, Sound Designer, and 3D artist. The game was made in 48 hours and get to 3rd
place in BGS Game Jam 2019.